Snow on our day of leaving – a bookend for our arrival
It was difficult saying goodbye yet again to our colleagues at ICS, but Debra’s lovely husband Terry (T-Bones) met us at YVR to take us home. As always, it is good to be back recognizing we had spent 5 weeks without TV and deliberately not following the news – almost a reverie! It takes time to integrate back to ‘normal’ life and recover from jet lag.
I realized mid-way while away that my blog was not being sent as I thought it was. I had hoped to keep you up to date on what I was doing and am sending the series from the last five weeks to you in one notice – my webmaster Mia of Kits Media has been able to readily fix it! I should have thought to ask her while away in Hungary.

sorting out for my studio
I had intended on immersing myself in my work using what I had learned right away, but I have been persuaded to completely revamp my studio (which was really needed) but it is a huge job. The upside is it will give me a fresh start, and if you are interested, I’ll keep you posted.
If you would rather not receive these blog emails, please let me know and I’ll take your name off the list.

Shelving for a fresh start – very exciting for me!